After a life changing event Aileana Sutherland makes the choice to take an extended visit with her Grandmother in Scotland. A Southern California surfer girl, Aileana has always been attracted to the shores below the cliff house where her Grandmother lives. Even in her youth, she would traverse the cliffs and shorelines of their beautiful Scottish home.
Kendrick Morgan, meets Aileana while as a youth visiting her Grandmother one year in Scotland. They spent an enchanting time together, neither has ever really forgotten the other.
Lana Lea Short has brought the old Scottish Folklore alive with her Selkie Clan. The passionate love of life and sea come together in this amazing story that tests the bounds of humanity and true love. A generational story that encompasses the ancient tales of Selkies and Finfolk. This beautiful story shares the love of ones culture and the intertwining of past and present. Join Aileana and Kendrick as they navigate their pasts to create a future that will keep them always loving one another. Well done!🌺